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A trusted track record of creativity

– with an appreciation for detail.

Art Direction

My experience in different job sectors – private, public, and non-profit – has lent itself well to allowing me to have a unique and rare perspective on the needs of different clients and projects when it comes to creative direction. Creative needs are best achieved when you communicate well with your team – and I’ve had the privilege of being on both ends of the spectrum as a team member and a leader.

My specialties with art direction encompass everything from home goods to food to jewelry to people to pets – I enjoy the challenge and opportunity to do things differently, work creatively, and allow teammates to best use their skills, talents, and natural gifts. Here’s a few of my favorites (click to enlarge/see full resolution).

Graphic Design

I like to tell people that my career in graphic design started when I was little: one of my favorite activities as a child was playing pretend and making imaginative worlds with my siblings, and they always revolved around me making some sort of signage – usually a “mailbox” for our make-believe shops, or drawing out an entire world of wonder on the driveway from chalk that usually comprised of a gas station, entertainment venue, and, of course, a snack shop.

Professionally I’ve been working in graphic design for over 15 years and in that time I’ve participated and worked on a huge variety of projects – logo design, brand identity development, style guides, conference media, trade show booths, catalogs, posters, web graphics, digital projects, mailings, business signage, promotional materials, and more – and that has allowed me to have a deep understanding of the different forms of media and how to best communicate a message within specific parameters.

A proven combination of

exceptional performance

& genuine personality.

(full recommendations available by request)


“He takes his sphere of influence seriously by showing respect, rigor, and intention. Josh can always be relied upon to bring his best self to whatever he undertakes or whoever he is working with…[regardless of task], he will be prepared, skilled, assertive, kind, and impressive. On top of that, he will have an eye and ear out for potential improvements that could be made next time.”

“He has a great eye for design, is a great photo director, and brings a lot of energy to those around him.”

He seems to be ‘wired for technology’ as no matter what program he works within, he finesses it with little to no assistance.”

“He has quickly endeared himself to our business partners and others in the company through his tireless work to keep morale high and people connected.”

“He is able to deliver feedback and collaborate in a direct but friendly way, whether it be to colleagues in other departments, management, or to photo crews that we interact with daily. He quickly volunteers for extra tasks that come up.”

“If there were a large complex project on the horizon, I would gladly go in the trenches and work with Joshua on it. He has definite leadership potential, and any team would be incredibly lucky to have him.”

“Having worked with Josh for the past five years; I would whole-heartedly recommend him. Josh is a very outgoing, personable creative with a great eye for detail.”

“Joshua is highly detail oriented, customer driven, and incredibly dedicated to his craft. He is creative, punctual, all while remaining focused and consistent on delivering an exceptional product.”


“Quite simply put, you want Joshua on your team. He is truly a rare find.”

“Josh can always be relied upon to bring his best self to whatever he undertakes or whoever he is working with.”

“There is no one in our corporate workplace who knows more people than Josh does. He reaches out to everyone—from all areas—and does so with true warmth and interest. Wherever he goes, he changes the atmosphere for the better.”

“His personality and positivity were part of the reason why we did everything we could to get Joshua on board with us, as we knew he would be a great addition. We definitely were not wrong!”

“Joshua is an absolute delight to have as a teammate.”

Always positive, always smiling, Joshua is eager to assist our team and other colleagues in our department.”

“Joshua is a person of untiring excellence, artistic vision, and authentic positivity.”

“Josh is a true treasure!”

Our loss would be another company’s great fortune should they have the means to hire Joshua Schwenk.”